作为澳洲中文财经门户网站,ACB News《澳华财经在线》致力于向全球华人提供澳中两国间最新财经资讯、行业动态、最新的证券市场和上市公司资讯和专业深度的财经分析评论,并独家推出澳大利亚证券交易所股票行情(每日涨跌幅)查询和中国概念股报道,搭建澳中两国投资贸易往来资讯平台,促进推动两国经贸与投资。
凭籍专业、专注、敬业的财经新闻采编团队、完善的媒体采访路径和澳洲本土广泛的信息资源通道,ACB News《澳华财经在线》通过独家访谈企业领袖、行业专家,动态跟踪全球经济热点,前瞻性分析澳中投资贸易趋势演绎、热点转换,全面解读澳洲行业政策动向,上市公司最新报道, 每日股票涨跌排行成交异动,证券外汇市场专业评论。
21世纪的今天,中国已成长为全球第二大经济体,其对外投资在未来相当时间内将保持着令人振奋的增长。作为澳大利亚第一大贸易伙伴国,中国经济的持续增长也将给澳洲带来诸多外来投资和商业贸易机会,华人投资者在全球市场将扮演一个愈来愈重要的角色,在全球经济一体化背景下,投资者对财经资讯的获取无论在覆盖面和时效性上均有新的要求,ACB News《澳华财经在线》希望通过动态适时地提供澳洲资本市场和澳中两国间的财经资讯,最大程度消除地理位置差异带来的澳中两国间财经资讯传播的不对称性和财经资讯盲点。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》采编团队将秉承专业、专注的风格和客观公正的新闻报道立场,向投资人提供全方位的原创新闻与分析评论,以客观、专业的视角提供精心制作的热点新闻和专题文章。ACB News《澳华财经在线》不仅提供一个展示澳中间财经资讯和投资机会的平台,同时也为澳洲公司及其项目打开了一扇沟通华人投资者的桥梁。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》由Pacific Financial News Pty Ltd ( ABN 36 156 330 737 ) (中文:太平洋财经传媒有限公司)(澳大利亚公司注册号码 ABN 36 156 330 737)投资运营管理。
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About Us
About ACB News (Australia China Business News)
Target Audience
Aimed at the Chinese business community both in Australia and across Greater China ACB News is read by member of the Chinese financial community with an interest in the workings of Australian companies and the Australian economy.
Editorial Coverage
ACB News provides accurate and insightful coverage of Australian business with topics including IPO, Market Watch, Funds and Wealth Management, Quality Brands, and Culture. Related topics include coverage of events and companies with an Australia/China focus, executive interviews as well as information of interest to migrants, foreign scholars and finding a job. As the only Mandarin language publication with a speciality in Australian business affairs ACB News serves as a touchstone for companies setting up in Australia and our experienced financial journalists also do bespoke research on clients behalf.
Special Features
The ACB News team not only takes pride in its journalistic coverage but also in the statistical tools available to our readers to track ASX listed companies. Historical ASX trading data is available to readers in an easy-to-understand format familiar in China. Particular focus is given to companies that are of interest to the Chinese investment community.
ACB News Distribution
In addition to our 30,000 – 50,000 daily readers ACB News copy is republished across the Chinese media. Our news is also available via the social media services across China including WeChat. ACB News is a formal partner of the Peoples Daily Haiwai Net and relationships with over 40 PRC financial media outlets including 163.com, East Money and China Finance Online. In Australia our news is republished in local Chinese media including the Today Group and the Pacific Times. ACB News contents is available to readers without latency issues in the PRC.
ACB News Services
In addition to our editorial and research services ACB News also runs thought leadership events design to facilitate communication between the Australian and Chinese business communities. We have also run Investor Relations events in Australia and China and successfully run Chinese media communication programs for listed companies. For further details please see our 2018 Media Kit
Why ACB News?
Australia China Business News is the most cost effective way for Australian companies to reach a Chinese audience. A working relationship with ACB News will not only introduce your value proposition to the Chinese Australian business community but can also be leveraged to attract both private equity and managed funds from China.
In our role as both a window on Australian businesses and a bridge to connect them to Chinese customers and investors ACB News is a reliable media partner work to assist you in achieving your Chinese market agenda.