周而不比泰而不骄 北京周泰律师事务所隆重开业

来源:《澳华财经在线》 编辑:Cathy 2020-09-22 20:25:00 A+

The Opening Ceremony of Beijing Zhoutai Law Firm Was Successfully Held
On the morning of September 19, 2020, the opening ceremony of Beijing Zhoutai Law Firm was held on the first floor of the Desheng Liangdian Office Building. Beijing Zhoutai Law Firm’s Director Wang Zhaofeng jointly unveiled the law firm with three founding partners Niu Lixian, Chen Ming and Wang Lu. The neighbors and business partners of Zhoutai attended the opening ceremony and celebrated the official opening of Beijing Zhoutai Law Firm!

Director Wang Zhaofeng gave an opening speech. He expressed his gratitude to friendship and support received and was very grateful for the great era. “Dream big! Where there is will, there is a way. From zero to one, we have realized our dream step by step. Zhoutai is a small seedling that, after cultivation, will surely become a towering tree. Staff should be all-embracing and not partial, and at the same time to remain modest, to be poised but not arrogant. Let Zhoutai go to the world!” 
Afterwards, the guests Ms. Ding Ping, Mr. Hu Rong, and Ms. Ren Yiming delivered speeches for Zhoutai, expressing their joy and congratulations to Zhoutai's opening!
陈鑫律师作为律师代表进行了发言,他提出优秀律师的五大特质:即警犬般的嗅觉 、猎豹般的速度 、啄木鸟般的勤劳、 千里马般的耐力、 狼一般的团队协作精神。争取我们早日成长为一名召之即来、来之能战、战之能胜、永不言败的周泰人! 
Chen Xin made a speech on behalf of the lawyers at Zhoutai. He put forward the five characteristics of a good lawyer: smell like a police dog, speed like a cheetah, diligence like a woodpecker, endurance like a swift horse, and team spirit like a pack of wolves. He called out everyone to be ready to assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting and winning and never give up!

Last but not least, the founding partner Niu Lixian gave a speech of thanks. She thanked everyone for their courage to start a business together, was grateful for the stable social environment, expressed her gratitude to staff members’ families for their support, and also gave thanks to Zhoutai's neighbours for their tolerance and understanding during renovation. “We will strive to develop Zhoutai into an excellent law firm to give back to the society, our families and friends!”

During the afternoon internal training session, all staff members gathered to introduce themselves. Subsequently, Director Wang Zhaofeng and the heads of various departments gave keynote speeches. In the process of substantial learning, Zhoutai finished the internal training of the opening. Once again, we would like to thank our friends and neighbours who have been supporting and helping us. Today Zhoutai Law Firm sets sail and is bound to move forward with great energy. Wish Zhoutai a bright future!
Beijing Zhoutai Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as "Zhoutai") was founded in 2020 in Beijing, China. As an emerging law firm, Zhou Tai adheres to the Oriental culture and traditions of a man of superior virtue, being “all-embracing and not partial” and “poised but not arrogant”, and takes "mission, excellence, people-first and openness" as its core values. Zhoutai, based in China while aiming globally, attracts elite lawyers from around the world to make efforts to optimize the legal environment in China and to promote the progress of building civilization governed by law.

Zhoutai adheres to clients first, relies on professional specialization, and strives for excellent service quality. Zhoutai emphasizes putting people first. Most lawyers in the firm have master's degree or above. More than 90% of the lawyers graduated from well-known law schools at home and abroad. Zhoutai advocates lifelong learning and full-staff research. Zhoutai gradually establishes and improves the internal training and research system to help lawyers comprehensively enhance their professional competence and practice literacy. Zhoutai takes social responsibilities, cares for employees, cares about socially disadvantaged groups, and pays attention to ecological environment protection and sustainable development. We look forward to the future, focus on the integration of law and technology, and strive to provide excellent legal services to clients around the world.
Zhoutai’s business scope is as follows.Welcome your inquiry.
Featured business:Criminal compliance, Global Energy, Mining and Metallurgy Legal Services,Corporate crisis management and handling,Comprehensive legal services for disposal of non performing assets.
Dispute Resolution:Criminal Prosecution and Criminal Defense, Civil and Commercial litigation and arbitration,Labor Arbitration and Litigation,Administrative reconsideration and litigation,Foreign-related commercial dispute resolution.
Non-litigation business: capital markets and securities issuance, banking and insurance,Fund business, mergers and acquisitions, recombination, intellectual property, corporate compliance and Administrative supervision, construction engineering and infrastructure, General corporate legal services, marriage and family affairs, Reform of state owned enterprises, Bankruptcy reorganization, government and administrative legal affairs, Environment and natural resources protection, legal services of cultural, tourism and health care, overseas investment and financing.
Add: 1F-2F, DeSheng LiangDian, No.5 East Riverside Road, Xicheng District, Beijing
Tel: (86-10) 80456066, 80456600
Fax: (86-10) 81400446
Email: brand@zhoutailaw.com
Website: www.zhoutailaw.com
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